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Des Blogs neue Gewänder

Ich habe ja schon seit Wochen davon geredet, aber jetzt habe ich es endlich geschafft, meinem Blog ein neues Layout zu verpassen. ♥ Das alte Theme hat mich immerhin seit Mai 2011 begleitet, aber zum Ende hin konnte ich es wirklich nicht mehr leiden, weil es mir zu vollgepackt war. Das jetzige ist sehr schlicht, da ich eher etwas in Richtung Tumblr-Blog haben wollte, ohne viel Schnickschnack und etwas aufgeräumter. Und ich bin echt ganz zufrieden. An einigen Dingen werde ich noch etwas basteln (etwa an der Anzeige der Absätze, die in manchen Beiträgen zerschossen ist, oder manche Texte), aber im Großen und Ganzen ist es fertig.

Besonders froh bin ich, dass jetzt die Kommentaransicht sehr viel übersichtlicher ist. Das war ja manchmal im alten Theme echt nicht mehr schön, wie wuselig das aussah.  *gnah* Im Laufe der Zeit werde ich auch die Unterseiten ein bisschen überarbeiten, sodass mein Blog sorglos in Richtung 2013 starten kann.

Art & Illustration, Privates & Alltag

Ruf mich Arbeit, dann wir können saufen

…so der außerordentlich eloquente und tiefsinnige (gebrüllte) Kommentar eines Nachbarn unten im Hof. Er erinnerte mich wieder an ein Erlebnis, von dem ich eigentlich schon vor Wochen erzählen wollte, aber es komplett vergessen hatte. Wir waren eines schönen Mittags bei Burger King und haben tatsächlich eine dieser Szenen beobachtet, die man sonst nur aus Sketchen von Kaya Yanar kennt: Zwei, ich sage mal, aus Kleinasien stammende junge Herren prollten sich gegenseitig an und drohten einander mit Prügel. Warum? Weil der eine den anderen „schief angeguckt“ hatte. Kein Witz, das ging so hin und her: „Ey, was guckst du? Guckst du misch schief an, oda was?“ „Alta, hast du Problem?“ „Du hast misch schief angeguckt, kennst du misch, oda was?“ …etc. Der männliche Burger King Mitarbeiter, der von seinen jungen Kolleginnen hinzugezogen werden sollte, warf nur einen Blick auf die beiden Prolls und verzog sich dann ganz schnell wieder zu seinen Pommes. Sachen gibts.  *silence*

Ansonsten war heute mal wieder wundervolles Wetter und ich habe gleich doppelt Post bekommen: Einmal von der Nhia, die mir einen ganz süßen Chibi in Molchfarben und mit Scottie-Plüschie gezeichnet hat. ♥ Und von der Lara, die mich komplett überrascht hat, indem sie mir nicht nur die eine vereinbarte Tauschkarte geschickt hat, sondern mir auch noch eine Nill-Karte gezeichnet hat.  °0° Lara, wenn wir uns das nächste Mal sehen, gibts trotzdem was mit der Zeitung! |D Ich freu mich trotzdem wie ein Keks.

Heute Morgen war ich dann nochmal im Prüfungsamt. Und nachdem ich erstmal eine wutschnaubende Kommilitonin gesprochen hatte, die dem Prüfungsamt auch am liebsten die Regal angezündet hätte, dachte ich mir: „Ach, wie schön, dass du DAS jetzt endlich hinter dir hast.“ daraufhin habe ich mir dann einen Blick in das Bewertungsgutachten meiner Bachelorarbeit geleistet. Das hat auch nochmal die Laune gehoben, auch wenn ich nichts wirklich Neues erfahren habe.

Achja, und es gab ein kleines Jubiläum in meinem Blog, oder zumindest auffällig viele Schnaps- und runde Zahlen:

Ich finds witzig. |D;; Und jedes Mal, wenn ich mir die Zahlen ansehe, ärgere ich mich zu Tode, dass mir die ganzen Blogposts aus meinem aktivsten Blogjahr, 2006, fast komplett fehlen.  *schnief* Naja, so ist das halt. Aber wenn ich dann bei 666 Posts bin, steigt hier ne Party. |D


Filme, Serien & Theater, World Wide Web

Sonnenschein Royal

Die letzten Tage wars ja mal wieder eher ein bisschen ekliger, aber heute scheint die Sonne wieder so schön, dass man einfach gute Laune haben muss. ♥ Auch wenn mich das langsam vor ein Problem stellt, weil ich immernoch nicht so richtig weiß, ob ich es wagen kann, die Wintersachen in die hintersten Schrankreihen zu verbannen oder nicht…wär ja n bisschen blöd, wenn jetzt doch noch der von mir erwartete Schnee kommt und ich mich erst zu meinen Wollpullovern durchkämpfen muss… |D

Eigentlich sollte ich auf meinem Hintern sitzen und fünf dicke Bücher über den werten Herrn Richard Wagner durchlesen, aber wie man sich denken kann, steht es mit meiner Motivation dazu nicht grad gut. Ach, wenn ich reich und skrupellos wäre, würde ich mir einfach irgendwen engagieren, der den Müll für mich schreibt. Es ist nur noch diese eine verdammte Hausarbeit, die mich vom Bachelor trennt, aber es ist so verdammt langweilig (obwohl ich Wagners Musik ganz gerne mag.). ¬_¬

Jedenfalls, statt mich in Lohengrin und Co zu vergraben, habe ich gestern mal wieder gegen einen kleinen Obolus zwei Grafiken für einen Blog („Spannendes im Netz und in der Realität„) erstellt, die mir auch ganz gut selbst gefallen, obwohl das Gesamtbild schon ziemlich kitschig ist. |D Hat aber Spaß gemacht und Diana, die Auftraggeberin, war sehr zufrieden, was mich natürlich auch freut. ♥

Am Mittwoch waren wir mal wieder im Kino, diesmal auf der letzten Vorstellung von „The King´s Speech„, auf den ich schon ziemlich neugierig war. Normalerweise sind Oscar-premierte Filme ja immer ein wenig mit Vorsicht zu genießen, aber ich muss sagen: Der war echt ganz gut. Kein Actionfilm, und eine richtig große Spannungskurve gab es auch nicht, aber es ist einer dieser Filme, die man einfach sympathisch finden muss. Man schaut ihn gerne, er ist nicht so schrecklich depressiv (obwohl dramatisch) und stellenweise ziemlich lustig. Und Colin Firth als George VI hat wirklich sensibel und genial gespielt, ich musste selber schon immer schlucken, wenn ich dem armen Kerl beim Stottern zugesehen habe. Kann ich jedem empfehlen, der keinen Bock auf Royals-Kitsch a´la William und Kate hat. ^-^

World Wide Web

Beginning of an Era *standing ovations*

Since the hero of the hour is placidly asleep beside me on the floor, I will be taking time by the forelock to write an explaining entry.
Yes. I did it again (well…not me, but it was my wish. XD). Yes, this is a new layout as well as a new blogging system. Since CuteNews suffered under heavy spam attacks and the developers didn´t find any solution to it by now (nor did I, naturally), I decided to say good-bye to CuteNews and give WordPress a second chance. Some of you may remember it, I used to blog with its help about 2 years ago.
So, Mark had offered to install and set it up. And he did it (+ writing the last entry – thank god he´s asleep by now, who knows if I would have seen my dashboard ever again. XD) I can´t thank you enough for it, hun. <3

Well, here it is. BUT I won´t make any promises about blogging more often and stuff. No way. XD But since everything is new and exciting and has so many fancy functions and widgets, I guess I will be trying evrything out by posting more often (at least for the next few weeks. You know how lazy I am.).

As for the last entry (the hidden one): This will be happening from time to time with my private stuff (like photos etc.). Normally, I will be sending the password to all of you who should see these locked entries, but if you think there is a good reason to see them WITHOUT being on my list, just drop me a line – maybe the password will be sent to you.
Well, the last entry containes photos of my birthday party (the headline says it all), which took place Saturday last week. Those are the shots Mark took, mine will be following soon ( UPDATE: They´re now online, just look at the gallery in my last entry!). :3

This is all for now, the next regular entry will be posted…anytime.

Anime & Manga

Newt – News

Mood: satisfied
Listening to: Nightwish – The Poet and the Pendulum
Current obsession: guess what?

Runaway, getaway, flyaway
lead me astray

to dreamer´s hideaway!

Well, it´s that time of the month again…I changed my layout, whee. <3 It features Sakura and Syaoran from „Tsubasa – Reservoir Chronicle“, one of those really rare canon pairings I totally adore. Since I will be writing about TRC in detail in my next passage (SPOILERS ahead!!), just one word here…. tragic. Good heavens, I almost cried over the tragedies that couple has to go through. Which is silly, after all they´re just fictive characters. But that proves Clamp´s skills to let the readers participate in the story very deeply, doesn´t it?
Anyway, Sakura and Syaoran just had to be in my new layout, and especially that pictures of them. It expresses the tension between them almost perfect (this time, the „fatal fascination“ line even fits the layout). I worked over it with several textures and filters with a technique I just got to new. :3 I´m still a beginner in the texture case, but I won´t stop improving my skills…it´s fun. <3
The layout itself is…simple, but I had some problems with the php include. It needed hours of work until everything was fully adjusted, but now everything seems to work.
By tomorrow, I will be adding the „past layouts“ section, which is going to show my layout work during the past years in chronological order.
Then, the next project will be my main page, noi-inc.

Now, onto the great babbling and whining… about TRC. (Warnings again: SPOILERS!!! ahead! Don´t read if you don´t wanna know)
Well, yes, I started reading Tsubasa again, one of my alltime-favorite mangas. Since the series is not finished yet, there is a new chapter almost every weak. I had stopped reading the online scanlations about one year ago (when a new obsession came up….don´t ask me which.), but a few days ago I started to complete reading the latest chapters. One word: DRAMA. We all know Clamp like to disturb their readers by performing the most shocking and unexpected plot twists ever. But, in my very own opinion, I think they put themselves over the top. Everytime you think: „Geez…there can´t be any more surprises!“ there will be a new, even more twisted turn in the story that makes you go like „…wtfg??“. Since it is in the middle of the night and I can´t get myself into bed yet, I will be listing my „Favorite WTF-Moments of TRC“. (SPOILERS!)

– Blood. Holy freakin´ hell, the latest chapters of TRC are almost soaked with blood. Remember the first chapters? It´s all about magic and the journey and harmless (mostly psychological) wounds. The most disgusting scene was the one when the Syaoran clone ate Fye´s eye…gweh. T-T I also dislike that scene because it marks the main change of the whole manga´s atmosphere. After that, everything´s…evil.
– Fye becomes a vampire and Kurogane his bait. [insert fangirlish squeal here] The most curious thing about that fact is that it has practically nothing to do with the further plot. It´s just as if Clamp just wanted to do good to all the Kuro/Fye-Shippers out there. XDD
– Sakura turns all cold after Clone-Syaoran disappears. Well, personally, I can understand that change in personality, it it is quite disturbing anyway. I mean, Sakura = gentle, caring type of person.
– The Sakura we know is a clone, too…
– …and she is in love with Clone-Syaoran…
– …but dies through the hand of Original-Syaoran. Le Gasp. This is the most unfair moment in the whole series and I say without any shame: I shed a few tears.
– Fye had a twin brother, who died for him and whose name was….Fye. Our „Fye“´s real name is Yuui. Which actually fits him, but I can´t lose the feeling that it sounds a slight bit too female (or, as Meychen would say: It´s the name of an uber-uke).
– Original-Syaoran is the son of Syaoran Li and Sakura Kinomoto from „Card Captor Sakura“ (!). Biggest wtf-moment ever. Who could have guessed that TRC actually IS some kind of CCS-sequel?

The moments listed above could provide the impression that I came to dislike TRC in the latest chapters, but that´s not it. On the contrary: I love the series even more, because it developed unexpected depths that are rarely found in a manga. I´m really excited about how the story is going to go on. (…okay, okay: And I totally have the hots for Fye´s new smexy looks. Satisfied? XD)

And, last but not least: Applauding, please – I got my driver´s license! WHOO-HOO!! <3

Privates & Alltag, World Wide Web

New year – Old babbling scheme

Mood: laborous
Listening to: Savage Garden – The best thing
Current obsession: being happy like a cookie

You’re the centre of adrenalin
And I’m beginning to understand
You could be the best thing about me

Ah-HAH!! *bursts into room* O NOES!! It´s Noi again, and she´s bringing us many new things!
Erm…what was it that I wanted to say again?XD Right, the new year has begun and I´m finally able to do all the useless things I want to…no holidays, no unwanted necessities. <3 Which also includes my brand new winter layout, lo and behold! It´s all blueish-grey again, I really like that sort of color. And it fits the season, of course. I wanted to wait for publishing it until the movement of my page to the new server would be finished. Fortunately, Gongshi envolved to my technology angel again and did all the work for me….can´t thank him enough for it. T^T *hearts* And since everything seems to work fine now, I can proudly announce my new address:

~~~ ~~~ <3
(The old one will still work, though…at least for a start)

I also fixed the problem with the small margin in the comment form and added a script to the blog…CLICKY!
Nice, eh? <3

What else has happened? Too many little thing….way too much to tell here at least. *lol*
I went to the city center today and got to know that women can be WAY more brutal than men…when there´s a selling-off. x_X The only thing you can do is snatching your article and then run and hide, eep. And just forget the old phrase „Why do women always go to the toilet in pairs?“ – you should rather ask: „Why do women always beleager the cash desk in groups of leastwise five?!“ ô_Ô Crazy world.

Tomorrow will be my mother´s 60th birthday. Fortunately she decided to have a small coffee party instead of a big family meeting…that will be upon us in the course of the year. x_X! Three significant birthdays: My mother´s 60th (7th January), my father´s 65th (5th May) and my 21st (26th August) birthday. If I´m very unlucky, all these three birthdays will be celebrated in one BIG party at MY birthday, nooo~ @_@ *hides*

Well then, enough for now…I´m tired and my throat starts to hurt. u_u I think I´m getting a cold…*sighs*

Privates & Alltag, World Wide Web

Shoot me if it doesn´t work

Mood: busy
Listening to: Mai Yamane – Gotta knock a little harder
Current obsession: new layout-chan

Happiness is just a word to me
And it might have meant a thing or two
If I’d known the difference

Yes, I´m still alive. *lol* My past days were quite busy, omg…so much has happened and I have so much to tell. I had decided to change my blog´s layout due to some graphic error that occurred in some browsers, but unfortunately I didn´t find the time to do it until now. But well, better late than never, so you can call this the second try. *lol* Everything *should* be working now, but I guess I can never be sure, so… I count on my dear visitors.*LOL* As you can see, I kicked the shoutbox for the sake of a clearer overview. And since the comments do work now, everything should be fine.
The navigation on the top is more for me than everything else, so don´t bother. XD Hope everyone is content now. *lol*

As I said, I would have SO much to tell, but I guess some things must be put aside in favour of more important things.
And the most important thing is….


We got our results last Monday and I was really, really curious. I mean, to be honest, I didn´t think that anything bad could´ve happened since both of my specialized courses´ teachers told me before that everything went well. But nontheless I was really nervous when the headmaster called my name and I had to go forward. And when he asked for silence and spoke out loudly that I had 15 points in English and 13 in Latin….omg, I was FINISHED. XD
But I couldn´t be that happy thoroughly because not everybody of my friends was that lucky…v_v But, oh well… if you read this, I wish you so much luck for the reexamination, lambkin! <3
So, at the end, my overall results are the following:

English specialized course: 15 points
Latin specialized course: 13 points
Biology written exam: 7 points (OMGWTF???<3)
History oral exam: 14 points
= makes a Numerus Clausus of 2,3 <3

I´m very much happy with that and a bit proud, because I didn´t think it would be that good. X3 Now it´s over, I only have to appear at my graduation party, prom night and a-level prank.

Oh well… I have a new hair color now. X3 I had my hair dyed by the hairdresser yesterday, uhuhu. At first, I only wanted to consult because of my prom hairdress, but then my haircutter had a brilliant idea… now I have very, very dark brown hair with glaring red highlights. <3 It´s not as freaky as it sounds, the highlights are not too demonstrative and the whole thing looks very interesting, I like it very much. X3 It was expensive, but oh well… I just passed my A-levels, so I can be brave and lavish at once. XD And it will match verrrry good with my prom dress. <3

Oh yeah, that prom night… I guess it will be fun, but at the same time I´m afraid of the invasion some very smart people planned. <_<;; The plan is to march into the hall in a very…fast measure (if you know „Stand up for the champions“ by Right Said Fred, you know what I mean by that)…should be looking like the clone warriors in „Star Wars“, but we only appear to be a bunch of drunk and hysterical champion shots, I´m afraid. *DROP* Maybe I should take off my high heel shoes for that?
Aaaand I got to know that the husband of my hairdresser is responsible for our food and one of the fellow hairdresser is going to be at the prom, too!! O.O What a coincident…the world is small.

Well…what else… I´ve been working a lot these days and it doesn´t seem to come to an end. Everyone who misses me in the instant messengers, I´m sorry… I need some time for myself at the moment, so please be patient. *bows* v_v

Last word goes to Benny-Bunny: YES, i WILL fix the smilies. XD

World Wide Web

Who needs the Russians?

Mood: BWAHA!
Listening to: Delta Goodrem – Born to try
Current Obsession: Tralala

All that you see is me
And all I truly believe
That I was born to try

It´s already half past midnight and I should be sleeping because I gotta work tomorrow, but it´s finally DONE, my new blog starts its work! <3<3<3
But, I can tell you, it was not an easy way until I had it the way I wanted. <.<;; You know, the longer I had that serendipity blogscript, the more I got unhappy with it, because it had so many disadvantages and too less possibilities to change the layout. Everyone who knows me is aware that I´m a layout freak and love to change my pages´ templates very often. XD
So I was searching for a simple newsscript which would be completely adaptable with all of my selfmade layouts. It was not an easy thing and I tried out so many of them that I can install and configure php-scripts in my sleep now. *drop*
Then I find this „CuteNews“ script, which was very nice for my new Dream Blog (, but still too simple for my big blog, because it had no wysiwyg-editor.
Then I found a Russian hacked version which would have been almost perfect, but what happened? The installation didn´t start and NOBODY from the russian staff could help me. <____<;;; Not even the developer himself…idiots, oi. -.-;;; They even deleted my forum account and the thread in which I was asking for help.
So I thought I would have to use simple Cutenews, but guess what happened? A new version came up which had EXACTLY THE SAME functions that the Russian version had. *O*~~
Now I´m using that one and I´m very content with it so far. X3
Benny-Bunny, you´re officially employed as the bug finder, kay? XD I bet if there is a mistake…you´ll find it. XD

The layout is very classic this time, very girly and such. XDD AND it features an artpiece from one of my favorite manga artists, Tohru Azumi! <3
Other than I announced I kept the shoutbox alive, even though the comments should be working now. It´s a nice way to exchange spam, so…XD Unfortunately, the green border around the buttons won´t disappear…they SHOULD be transparent like the rest of the box is, but oh well… same goes for the fat text in the comments. It doesn´t bother me that much, so stfu, ´kay?XD

So, let me expose my plans for the future:

+ Network Site (done)
+ Fatal Fascination Blog (done)
+ Abstractism – Dream Blog (done)
+ Art Page (in Progress)
+ Misc. Page (0 %)

Attention: The „“ address will soon be removed from the old blog to the network page! This blog´s address is Sorry for the „long“ address, but some functions won´t work with the

Hum yeah. So this is the next round. Welcome to the show. XD The first „real“ entry will follow tomorrow.

World Wide Web

Up to new things

Mood: *yawns*
Listening to: Yu-Gi-Oh – Call my name
Current obsession: new projects

Alright, just before some people start calling the police because I don´t give any life sign: Here it is, I´m still alive, not quite kicking, but happy. XDD I disappeared for a few days to do some other things…just as working on my threatened new web projects (which is the only one that could be interesting for my readers). <3

To be honest, this will not only be short entry, but indeed my last. I´m saying good-bye to this blog. But don´t worry, a new one is in work, with a new newsscript (which will hopefully be working <,<) and good old Noi. XD But since I won´t have much time to blog at the moment, I declare this weblog from now on to be


It will be changed into a newsarchive very soon and no longer be updated.
More news about my new blog (+ the other new mysterious thingies *spooky~*) will be posted here as soon as it´s done.
I recommend everyone who has something important to tell me to use my mail address ( If I don´t answer, I´m busy or dead. XD (of course you can also use the shoutbox, but it will also be gone soon and I don´t look at it very often. ^^;; )