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Games, Privates & Alltag

Pokémon und Erstickungsanfälle

Ich lebe noch – ansatzweise. Krankheitsmäßig habe ich mal wieder meinen persönlichen Rekord aufgestellt: Das dritte Mal krank innerhalb von drei Monaten. Yay. *angst* Und diesmal hat es mich so richtig erwischt, zwar kein Fieber, aber dafür ein Husten, bei dem ich manchmal denke, meine Lunge kommt gleich rausgeflogen. Heute ist es schon wieder ansatzweise okay dank Antibiotika, aber die letzten Tage meines Praktikums sind dennoch für mich gegessen. Die möchten aber wahrscheinlich, dass ich meine Fehltage irgendwann nächste Woche nachhole, was mir so gar nicht passt. Das ist meine freie Woche, bevor mein zweites Praktikum beginnt, und in der Zeit müsste ich eigentlich eine Hausarbeit über den Historischen Jesus schreiben. Hffffff. *uhh* Muss ich mal schauen, wie ich das alles hinbekomme. Es wächst mir gerade alles etwas über den Kopf, aber ich muss gesund werden, bevor ich mich daran machen kann, etwas dagegen zu tun.

Was mich aber ein bisschen von meiner Krankheit abgelenkt hat und im Moment meine Gedanken beherrscht, ist Pokémon Schwarz/Weiß.  *herz* Die neuen Editionen sind nun endlich draußen und ich habe mir natürlich gleich die Schwarze Edition geholt, nachdem ich den Kauf mit meinem Gewissen und meinem Geldbeutel vereinbaren konnte. |D Und es ist SO. VERDAMMT. TOLL. *glitzer* Das Ganze ist diesmal von den Kämpfen her sehr viel anspruchsvoller als die Vorgänger (und manchmal auch frustrierender |D) und die Geschichte ist…nun, eine Geschichte, und das ist schön. Nicht zu vergessen den anbetungswürdigsten Widersacher aller Zeiten, hrr. Vielleicht schreibe ich irgendwann, wenn ich genesen bin, nochmal etwas ausführlicher über meine Erfahrungen, denn genug zum ranten hätte ich. *hust*

Games, Privates & Alltag

Pokémonday 2011 – Celebi-Downloadtour

Vorsicht, Geekeintrag im Anflug. |D
Heute war nun mal wieder Pokémon-Day in Hannover, und ich musste natürlich hin. Immerhin gab es Celebi runterzuladen. CELEBI! *nasenblut* Wie lange ich auf diesen Tag gelauert habe, echt. Das war auch tatsächlich das Einzige, was sich daran gelohnt hat, der Rest war irgendwie ziemlich lieblos. Doch von vorne.

Begleitet hat mich die wundervolle Madame Lea mit …waren es 11 Editionen? Jedenfalls hatte sie eine ganze Tupperdose voller Pokemon-Editionen für alle möglichen Leute dabei. |DD Da es heute extrem eklig und kalt draußen war, sind wir mit dem Auto hingedüst…und mein wunderbares Navigationsgerät ist mal wieder ausgefallen, sodass ich aus dem Kopf navigieren musste. UND ES HAT GEKLAPPT. Woah. Sogar ohne großes Verfahren, wie gut ich bin. |D

Beim besagten McDonalds angekommen haben wir erstmal sofort direkt vor diesem Infostand da geparkt. Mit Karacho in die erste Parklücke rein und dann spontan entschieden, uns vorerst nicht unters gemeine Volk zu mischen. Sprich, wir saßen nerdig im Auto, haben wie die Bekloppten Celebis runtergeladen und dabei meine Fensterscheiben mit unserem heißen Atem von vorne bis hinten beschlagen. |D

Das Enttäuschende war allerdings, dass mein DS irgendwelche Probleme hatte, sich mit dem blöden Hotspot da zu verbinden. Ich habe KEINE Ahnung wieso, auf jeden Fall stand ich schon fast vorm Schreianfall, aber die liebe Lea hat mir dann eins von ihren Celebis geschenkt! TAT~~ Das war so lieb, vielen lieben Dank an dich nochmal, falls du das hier liest! Mein Tag war also gerettet.

Ansonsten konnte man die „Veranstaltung“ da ziemlich knicken. Es gab einen winzig kleinen Stand, an dem eine grantige (undwahrscheinlich halberfrorene) Dame stand und Prospekte verteilt hat und einen großen Celebi-Aufsteller, den ich am liebsten mitgenommen hätte. <3 Und ein tolles Gewinnspiel, das uns fast unsere Finger gekostet hätte, so verdammt kalt war es. Ganz zu Schweigen von den vielen gruseligen Kindern, die da primär rumliefen. Aber insgesamt war dann doch weniger los als erwartet. Im Klo haben wir dann noch eine empörende Entdeckung gemacht (siehe Bild) – wer lässt denn bloß seinen Celebi-Prospekt am Waschbecken liegen und tut nasses Klopapier drauf? *noes* Wenn es nicht so ein bisschen eklig gewesen wäre, hätte ich es am liebsten gerettet. Ja, ich weiß, ich bin bekloppt.

Nunja, jedenfalls hab ich jetzt auch einen Pokemon-Day miterlebt und nebenbei mal wieder etwas erlesene Gesellschaft genossen. |D Morgen ist Montag, das heißt, es ist Schluss mit dem Gammelwochenende und ich muss wieder ins Praktikum. Zweite Woche, ich komme!


The WoW-Experience

Untitled-31Since the term is finished and we´ve got lots of time (theoretically…*stares at term papers*), GongShi and I have started to play the game almost every person in the world seems to play: World of Warcraft. A friend with a paid account had invited us for 10 days of free play, so I took the chance to find out what´s so goddamn special about it. To forestall the conclusion: In my eyes, there´s nothing too special about it. Most of the time, it´s fun to play, sometimes it gives you headaches (of anger), like dozens of games out there, too. But let me start from the beginning.

There are two sides in the WoW-World: The Alliance (Good guys (?)) and the Horde (The ugly bad guys). Since the said friend has only characters fighting for the Horde, we were bound to the races available for that group. I took my first steps in Mulgore by choosing a female hunter Taurus. This was the first time I got badly disappointed: For a game this extensive, the character builder is a mere joke. You can only choose between a handful of physical attributes (about 5 hairstyles, faces, skincolors). No chance to customize the way you like. So, if you´re done – yay, you look just like about 1 Mio other characters! For me as a girl – big deduction of points.

So, there was my little cow, standing in the widths of the prairie, starting by doing various quests. Let me tell you the following: Once you ran around on a giant, unclear map like this, you know how some players manage to waste hours and hours of lifetime playing a stupid game without doing anything at all. Not very beginner friendly.
It turned out that the Taurus was not a good choice for me (besides the fact that those plains just made me go crazy. CRAZY I say!), so I started over again, this time choosing a blood elf. Same here with the character builder, but at least you could choose your hair color – plus the fact that an elf is much more beautiful than a cow = more fun for an eye person like me.WoWScrnShot_072709_124920
So I started running around with pretty little Noinda in this pretty (but yet disturbing) pink elf country where ownerless brooms clean the streets and everyone´s sooo nice and stoned esoteric (Disney´s „Fantasia“, everyone?). But I don´t want to speak badly about it: Elves are a much more comfortable to play class than the Tauren and their world is not that plain and unfriendly and OMFG you are even able to finish your quests without running around senselessly for hours so I reached LVL 10 without bigger complications.

All in all I can´t say that I didn´t have any fun by playing WoW. But I definitely didn´t get the point why there´s people out there who´re seriously addicted to this game and don´t even go outside/to school/work anymore. There are so many better, more original (free) games. At least in my opinion. I will definitely finish my 10 free days, but I don´t think I would be buying more play time after that.

If you like playing WoW, I can highly recommend you:

  • Ragnarok Online (best MMORPG ever. Plus it´s cute and original.)
  • Perfect World (Shame on you, WoW! This game is free and it has a WAY better character builder!)
  • Silk Road Online (for those of us who like it a bit more Asian.)
Filme, Serien & Theater, Games

Life´s a peanut

Mood: hothothot x_x
Listening to: Oasis – Don´t look back in Anger
Current obsession: Final Fantasy 12

So I start a revolution from my bed
‚Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside the summertime’s in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain’t ever gonna burn my heart out

Even though I should stay in bed, drink iced tea and think about nothing but how hot it is, I nonetheless thought I should write an entry again; the last time was long ago indeed and lots of things happened. I won´t write about everything, though. It´s just too much and I´ll forget to drop down most of it anyway. XD

So I´ll talk about the last few days. After Mey-chu left my place (*chu*) everything almost went the the same way as ever. Days are quiet, lazy and relaxing, even though I have a lot of work to do for my two extra lesson students. The parents asked me if I could also replace the current English extra lesson teacher, which means that I´ll be busy at least three days a week from now on. :3 It doesn´t bother me, because the payment is good and I have something to do in the afternoons. Even though both brats begin to drive me crazy. <_<

The day before yesterday was the opening night of „Pirates of the Caribbean 3“ and I was there. *squee* Felix came to my place beforehand and we watched PotC part 1 and a japanese movie called „Devilman“ (because he couldn´t get PotC 2 in the video store), which was quite good, wether brainless. XDD
When Felix heard that I had never eaten sushi before, we bought some in a sushi restaurant in the main station. It was…okay, nothing special in particular, but not bad either. But we also got a kind of mysterious soup, which smelled like an old, wet sponge and also tasted that way. >_< *shudder*
And theeeen we watched the movie. I don´t want to talk very much about the contents, because I know that some of my friends haven´t watched it yet and don´t want to be spoiled. But it was great. X3 Not as great as the first two, but very good indeed. I was slightly confused, because everything was very tangled and all… but I was very much pleased that they gave Cpt. Barbossa such a big role in the movie. He´s so cool!! *o*~ And Jack Sparrow of course, crazy as ever and even more than before. XDD
I´m a bit sad that it is over now, but I heard that the producers plan to await the selling records of the 3rd movie before they´ll possibly talk about a sequel. I´m not quite sure if I would like the thought that there are more „Pirates“-movies to come. I think the end was a good end and it would be strange to continue the story at any cost. But I would maybe love to see a prequel to the triology. Young Jack and his Daddy. XD

I FINALLY bought Final Fantasy 12. X3~~ I´ve been waiting to play it for such a long time…and it was a big surprise indeed. It´s so much different from the other parts, sometimes it´s like playing a grown-up version of Kingdom Hearts. Screw it, I hate the control system!! XD I don´t have much time to admire the (very good) graphics because the active fighting system is kind of a pain in the ass to control and I always have to be aware of monsters. Standing still is very dangerous. Might be exciting for some people, but I feel kinda stressed by it. v_v The positive point is that the game atmosphere and story are very good. It´s like a thriller, not a bit obvious and the missions are challenging. The world reminds me a bit of FF9, so it´s very classic and has lots of strange creatures in it. <3
The character designs are a bit…weird. I have the feeling that someone was a bit TOO anxious in his will to create human-looking figures, so that they don´t look like real humans anymore at all. This is strange, because the cg sequences are as beautiful as they can be. o_o Well, one gets used to it, and the characters are very likable. X3 I especially like Fran and Basch, but as I said, I´m just at the beginning of the game. Maybe I will get used to the crappy control system. I hope it, otherwise I´ll have a SMALL problem with the serious opponents. XDD

This blog needs a new layout. Definitely.

Filme, Serien & Theater, Games

Just to make it sure : Happy Easter!

: da~ngerous
Listening to: Electric Six – Gay Bar
Current obsession: omfgstfu

YOU!! I want to take YOU to a gay bar!!!

…yes. Nervermind, ´kay? XD I´m too stressed to be serious in any way.
…well, when I think about it…this IS very serious, I wanna take you all to a gay bar!! XD~~ *giggle~~* Really, NOW I have reached the edge to insanity. Thank you, a-levels. I´m afraid to take a look at the calendar, because I fear to react by running against the wall or raping some stuffed animal or something… one week left. Two weeks left. I could go on and on. Cool Noi is going to freak out because of nervousness.

At the same time, everything is fine. I finally managed to get that biology crap into my brain (kinda) and almost finished learning for English. Latin is great as always and I don´t even think about thinking about History yet (great sentence o_O). So I guess it´s just my nerves…as always.

When I did not learn, I spent many hours in playing a new online game lately. Meychen recommended it to me, it´s called „ROSE online„. Was can I say? It´s full of bugs and stupid running around and similar-looking chars…but yet… an addiction. XDD You just can´t get your hands away from it, even though it annoys the hell out of you. XD I already made three characters with three different jobs, but doing the job quests really is the most exciting thing about this all…because it´s the only thing that seems to work for me. XD My hope will be the big whipe that is going to take place on the private server I´m playing on. Then I´ll hopefully be able to lvl my sweet chars properly : Caney (Soldier), Vidua (Muse) and Magpie (Hawker, no screenshot v.v).

GUESS WHAT I read in a news magazine two days ago?? Matthew Bourne, my personal ballet director god, is going to stage „Romeo & Juliet“, AWWW!! To understand my euphoria, you have to 1.) know that Mr. Bourne is the one who staged the most beautiful „Swan Lake“ version (some may know it from the movie Billy Elliot), in which only men participated, 2.) be a slashor. Or an aesthetics freak.
Of course, Romeo & Juliet will also be a men-only play. <3 *squee* Maybe my Mercutio/Tybalt dream will finally come true. 6__6 (Yes, I know I´m a freak. And I love being one.) I´d bend over BACKWARDS to see that ballet live. But the problem with Bourne-ballets is…they´re so popular and famous that they only take place in cities like…London…Paris…Melbourne…Rome…V__v Screw it…hopefully they´ll show it in TV someday…*also wants to see Swan Lake again*

Oh, yes…some people wanted to see a photo of my new hairstyle, so I tried to take a snapshot of myself with my (very bad) cellphone cam. Eep. Well, I tried, but my pighead won´t fit into the display window, so you can´t really see anything but my white face. XD Anyway, here it is : Noi = (you see) nothing of it.

Oh, and just because someone send that to me and I thought it´s a bit of fun… I anyone of you would like to do it, please take this friendship test (sorry, German only) for me, kay? :3 No must-do, but, you know…we love to entertain you (me XD).


(Should be) all about A-levels

Mood: okay
Listening to: Jermaine Jackson & Pia Zadora – When the rain begins to fall
Current obsession: FF8…shame on me. XD *should be studying*

Like the sand can seep right through your fingers
so can all your days
As those days go by
you’ll have me there
to help you find the way.

The last day brought some easement to me, thank goodness. My mother could stand up for the first time today and she´s feeling way better by now…my father has still some health problems not only because of the illness but also his operation wound. Walking is very hard for him, he can hardly do it for a longer time. Fortunately I had very few lessons this week, so I could stay at home and help the best way I can…it´s strange, no sooner my mum drops out, everything goes all chaotic and difficult.*lol* Well, I tried my best…and at the same time I tried not to get ill as well. I succeeded so far, so I hope that I won´t get this illness at all. Mercifully, it´s weekend now, so I can see things more relaxed.

Today I handed in my application for the a-levels. The blank was easier to fill out than I thought, and since I have enough courses and scores I don´t think there will be any problems with the application.
But at the same time, this reminds me that it is getting very serious by now…next week will be the very last school week in my LIFE (as a student), so I feel a bit…don´t know…nervous and elated at the same time. And every time it comes to my mind just what I STILL have to learn for the a-levels…uuh, my stomach starts to hurt. >_<;; I´m not afraid of English and Latin (my intensive courses), nor am I of History (not really…but I´m scared of the oral examination itself, no matter what subject is XDD)…but biology.*argh* I mean, biology class in the last two years was…yeah, for the birds. I will have to figure out almost everything myself, grrreat. And I am SO not talented for biology. Screw it.

Oh, yeah…another senseless talk about my gaming: To becalm myself within the last days I played a lot of FF8…now I´m on CD2 and it´s slowly getting…well, interesting. Because there are things I really don´t remember, so it´s kind of a challenge to solve all the tasks and stuff. And I found out that I have MUCH more fun playing it now than the years before…because of that dirty little mind of mine. XD I had never noticed before that there are really DOZENS of slash (or at least sexual) hints in this game, LOL! I mean, I have a good imagination, but I can´t believe that I am the only one who sees that indices!<_<!!
For example:
The party has been kidnapped by evil Cifer. The scene takes place when Squall (the main character) is chained to a kind of Jesus-Cross, because torturer!Cifer & Co want some information from him. When Squall asks Cifer about the party, the follwing „conversation“ takes place *shortened*:
Cifer: „Oh, yeah, your little friends. Yes, they are still alive, but in this prison as well. But I chose to take you first because I like you best.“ (I imagine this with an evil!grin XD)
Squall: „…you´re just Edea´s torturer, Cifer…the one who does the donkeywork.“
Cifer: (I wish there was a synchronized version of this) “ *chuckles* I thought you would be the one who is most persistent. I bet we will have a lot of fun together…“ [the light is switched out (!)]
…NOW tell me that it is not obvious.*lol* Riiiight, FSK 12…..XDD

Oh, Wednesday was Whiteday…so, everybody who might have sent me something for Valentine´s Day…feel cuddled or something.*lol* I did not feel very well on that day, so I did not prepare anything at all…BUT I got something veeery cute from Mey-chu!! T^T I just have to post it, because it´s so CUTE and made my day!
Thank you again, Meychen!<3 Me lovors you, too!*muff*
OH, and before I forget it (even though it´s already too late) – GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR MATH EXAM!!!*thumbs up!!*

Wow, this turned out to be a longer entry than I intended to write…*lol* But now it has to have an end…*wants to play FF8* XD

Games, Privates & Alltag


Mood: whatever~
Listening to: Samsas Traum – Für immer
Current obsession: FF8

Ich sag´ die Welt ist eine Scheibe,
Und ich sag´ sie dreht sich doch!
Sie dreht sich vorwärts, rückwärts, seitwärts,
Immer so wie ich es will!
Und wenn mich Gott nochmal zum Narren hält
Wird er an mir verzweifeln!
Mit dem Rücken an der Wand,
Hebt mir den Spiegel vors Gesicht!
Ich trotz´ dem Himmel und der Hölle,
Trotze Sonne, Mond und Sternen,
Trotze Allem, Nichts und Jedem,
Trotze dem Wind, seinen Gesetzen!
Denn nur wer kämpft mit unverlernter
Zärtlichkeit, der kann verlieren,
Doch wer nicht kämpft hat schon verloren;
Und für den Kampf bin ich geboren!

What. a. Week. And it´s finally over. I wrote my VERY last regular exam on friday, held two speeches and fought with my flu. I´m tired now, really really tired. And even though I should be happy that everything went very well I feel a certain indifference…like a marathon runner who just wants to pass the target line and doesn´t matter if he wins or not. And Furthermore, I´m a bit angry and annoyed…almost all the time. Like a ticking bomb, ready to explode. But I never do. I´m just too damn tired of…all this.

Yesterday, it was a big relief for me to hear that I won´t get less than 5 grade points in biology. This bugged me very hard over the week, because if I would have been given less than 5 points, I could have forgotten my a-level admission.
As it seems I won´t be able to prevent my sports teacher from giving me less than 5 points…that´s more than ridiculous, but I can´t change it. I will meet my three ladies tomorrow and try my best to dance my feet off, even though my health is more than tattered.
Wasn´t able to sleep the last two nights…*yawn*

Lemme talk about something more enchanting and less interesting. Final Fantasy 8. Because I had lots of free time today I was able to play ff8 for about…4 or 5 hours in a row. I still think it´s the worst of all ff parts, but since Final Fantasy in general is GODLIKE, you can have some good fun with ff8, too. At least it´s SO nostalgic. The last time I finished playing it was…about three or four years ago I think. Now I see some things in an entirely changed view. For example, I hate Rinoa EVEN MORE now, because I see very clearly that she is the incarnation of every Mary-Sue you can think of. Really. x_X I mean, look at her, her dog´s name is ANGEL! And it´s a COLLIE!!
But what I appreciate about FF8 is that the Guardian Forces/Bestias/Summons are extremely cool. Okay, there are some silly things like the „Bull Brothers“ (whose attack is named „mad cow disease“), but even they have something going for it. XD And Diabolos is simply the coolest monster you´ve ever seen!x__X (Meychen, he would be the perfect pet for Vayle, I swear XDD They share the same attitude and colors)
I just finished the first CD…dunno when I´ll be able to go on, because tomorrow I´ll be quite busy.*sigh*
And I want FF12 SO BADLY!! T___T~~~!! But it was sold out in every shop I was asking for it…*cries* Must be a good game…no wonder, it´s Final Fantasy!XD

Oh, and before I go to bed, one more thing…because my crappy weblog won´t allow me to write comments myself. Dear Meiko:

I´m glad you could amuse yourself by reading my earnest entries. Must be an even more humourous person than I have ever thought, and I bet you would laugh your ass off if you actually had a single clue about what I was writing. Well, but maybe not – Personally, if I were you, I would be thoroughly ashamed.
I won´t say anymore about this. If you want to talk about this someday in the future AGAIN then think about what you want to say before letting it all out. I´m deeply disappointed.

So, now I´ll stop it here…*tired* Need some more tissues and my bed after the dsds results…XDD

Games, Privates & Alltag


[listening to:] Robbie Williams – Old before I die
[current obsession:] mich selbst loben
[mood:] euphorisch X3

She’s taking me places
I should never have been
She’s showing me faces
I should never have seen
Well these are strange days
We’re livin‘ in today
C’est la vie I say!

Muahahahaha, ich bin ja so gut!!!!XD~~~~ *sich selber auf die Schulter klopf* Ich hab mich heute, nach einem halben Jahr Spielpause wieder an FFX gewagt….ich war damals bei diesem bescheuerten Seymor-Asthra-Mutanten im Gagazetgebirge hängengeblieben….naja, und heute hatte ich irgendwie mal Lust….und bin gleich nochmal abgeschmiert. XD Aber dann hat mich der Ehrgeiz gepackt und ich bin diesen ganzen bekloppten Berg nochmal runter zum Händler gelatscht und hab mein ganzes Geld für hunderte von Weihwässerchen ausgegeben, um mir ne tolle Rüstung für jeden zu schmieden….und siehe da, ich hab den Deppen platt gemacht, HAH!!!!XD Ich hab ja so rumgetanzt….muaha….jetzt kann ich endlich weiterspielen…X3 *freu* (auch wenn das Spiel mies ist *drop*)

Dann hab ich heute durch Zufall das Greatest Hits Album von Robbie Williams geschenkt bekommen…mein Paps kam damit nach Hause, er hatte es seinerseits geschenkt bekommen, mag aber RW nicht…deshalb hab ich sie bekommen.*lol* Nen geschenkten Gaul schaue ich ganz sicher nicht ins Maul….^^

Ansonsten hab ich heute mal wieder nur rumgefaulenzt…ach, und einen lieben GB-Eintrag von der lieben Reiki hab ich auch bekommen…^.^ Ich muss überhaupt mich mal bei allen (…naja…allen wenigen XD) bedanken, die mir was zu Weihnachten geschickt haben…<3
Asche auf mein Haupt, ich bin so faul….