Art & Illustration, Privates & Alltag

Happy St. Nicholas Day

Everything´s still a bit chaotic here, but I wanted to wish you all a merry St. Nicholas Day and lots of stuffed socks and boots! 😀
What do you think of Christmas this year? As for me, I can´t get myself to percieve that „christmassy feeling“ at all. Maybe it´s the stress. Although I´ve already moved out from my parents, there´s still so much to do and to plan. It´s not easy to get into a complete new way of living, and though I like the life here it´s a bit hard for me to calm down and get some peace of mind. Christmas and similar things just don´t seem to come to my consciousness. Somehow this year there´s so much that makes me feel…aggressive about Christmas.

  1. Christmas markets. I hate to feel masses of people running around me .
  2. Christmas shopping. Same here. Too many people to have fun while dawdling through the shops. Sometimes I wonder if there are too less cities or shops.
  3. The weather. I BET you people from the south of germany have lots of snow right now, but as it is for the north…rain. LOTS of rain. I hate it.
  4. Radio stations. I remember last year when I was almost unnerved because they played „Last Christmas“ about 10 times a day…since November and until February. But this year: nothing. I think I only heard one poor christmas song until now. Besides of that, it´s only the same boring chart music as ever. WHERE´S RUDOLPH?!
  5. The illness. So many things to do, so little time. I planned to send letters and greeting cards for St-Nicholas Day, but there wasn´t any opportunity to do so. I plan to make a certain present for my boyfriend and parents, but the flu robbed away a big ammount of time. Argh.

But, as I must admit, not everything about christmas is bad. I apologize for doing surreptitious advertising, but there is this really nice Gundam Wing themed Advent Calendar Siraa sets up every year for the fans. <3 And guess who partcipated in this year. It was the first time in…let me guess three years that I did some bigger artwork in the GW-fandom. But it TOTALLY flashed me again, so I….*shuts up* That´s a secret. ;P But enjoy the artwork:

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