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Summer Sunshine~ (spell "shine" like "shi-ne", plz. v_V)

Mood: dull
Listening to: Sarah McLachlan – Angel
Current obsession: strip, DUH!!

There’s always one reason
To feel not good enough
And it’s hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memory seeps from my veins
Let me be empty
And weightless and maybe
I’ll find some peace tonight

How unfair is that? The first time in the year on which I strip off my thick clothes for the sake of some coolness and I can´t even enjoy it. T_T Not mentally, at least. I´m just TOO nervous already to relax. It´s a bit disturbing, my sensitive stomach is making me crazy at the moment. <.<;; It begins to hurt everytime I think of something…dunno, it must not even have something to do with my a-levels. Stupid, eh? I guess I´m just overstrung at the moment. I´ll be going out today (to the library), enjoy the sun a bit and hope I´ll calm down a bit.

Ah, guess what, I´m not done with my graduation yet and already got a new private lesson request. X) I´ve been toying with the idea of quitting the lessons with one of my private students for a longer time, because it´s just…useless. She has no intention of doing something, won´t get anything into her brain and hasn´t been to our meetings for the last…two months. Now that I have a new job in sight I´ll definitely cancel the meetings.
The father of my (supposed) next student to coach called my yesterday and said his wife would call me again to arrange a first meeting (typically fathers…no idea of the appointment schedule of their own family XD). The boy´s name is Yannick and he´s from the 8th grade. Difficult age, I hope he´s not one of those „Yo, Bitch!“ brats. <_<;; Well, it´s for the wages and I like tutoring. It´s time to earn some money again after the a-levels (need to buy FF12). XD

Well, I guess that was it…dunno why I even started this entry, because I have…nothing really to tell. <.<;; Stupid Noi…

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