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Need Sleep

mood: Sleepy
listening to: In Extremo – Vollmond
current obsession: headache tablets?

Komm, schließ die Augen…
Glaube mir…
Wir werden fliegen…
Übers Meer.

Hell, what´s going on with the weather?? It´s still january, but it feels like spring…or rather April. <_<;; The problem is, I´m meteorosensitive and strong wind, warmth and rain tend to knock me out. Last night I woke up with one of the worst headaches in my life…I hardly managed to get up to swallow some tablets. x_x Therefore, I almost fell asleep in school and even now…=_= Good I have not much work to do for today…

My father has been operated this morning, and fortunately, everything went very well. ^^ He phoned us about six times yesterday, so I think he was really nervous, even though he said everything was okay. The best thing was… he complained that the nurse had shaved his belly too rough so he bled like a stabbed pork. XDD~ Anyway, I´m really glad he´s okay (for now). If the doctor agress, he will be home again on friday.<3

Well…no more interesting things to tell, I guess… I decided to write a certain letter tomorrow, which was a very hard decision for me…and I bet it won´t be easy to write it, either. But I guess it will be the last one I send to that person, so…


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