World Wide Web

Noi: The Retrospective

I really like my new blog. It´s so compact and comfortable once everything´s set up, but I still have a short way to go before everything is done. I spent about two hours by tagging all of my (113) entries and sort them into cathegories; now everything is more clearly arranged and can be found quickly if necessary. But the most excited part of the work was to transfer my REALLY old blog entries from HTML-documents to WordPress. I did it manually, so I had no other choice but reading all of them again…for the first time in 4 years.
Yes, I started my very first blog 4 years ago, in the summer of 2004. It was a mere HTML-based homepage, set up all by myself and the entries have been pasted manually into the document, one after another: Writing, copying, pasting, saving, upload. Quite laborious, but that was my first step. The entries were written in German and rather short. When I sat here and read each one of them again, I couldn´t help myself but shaking my head (AKA: *headdesk* @_@) and think of what kind of weird brat I was at the age of 15/16. Really, it´s like reading the thoughts of a completely different person. ô_o Maybe it´s true what the rumors say, after all… I have grown up since then. (+ I managed to curse to a lesser extent in those 4 years…or at least on a more decent way. XD)
Well, it´s not only my behaviour that seems to have fledged to some extent…since my 16-years old self has documented almost every single day in her life in detail, I can perfectly see how my way of living has changed through the years.
Most of my friends lived far away then and I could only communicate via internet. My only duty was school, so my typical day went on like that: Coming home from school in the afternoon, surfing the web, doing the homework, playing something, surfing in the net again until I had to go to bed. If you asked me now about my opinion on such a life…I would say that I never ever want to live like that again. But that doesn´t mean regret anything – it made me the person I am now. I´m not perfect, but mostly content with the way I am. Just imagine this: If I had lived the life of a stereotypical 16-years old teenager then, maybe I would be a kind of Sissi now?  Drinking, partying, shopping, watching Telenovelas and listening to Rihanna – No thanks. I´m happy being the nerdy hermit crab I am. :3
I´m REALLY sad that I couldn´t recontruct the time between 2005 and 2007 – I had my blog hosted on a page named which is now dead. And I didn´t make any backups, so a very big part of my life documentation has gone. u_u

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  • mey-meez 9. September 2008 at 23:24

    (aber alteh eh, wenn du schon ein lay mit siggi machst, WARUM zum donner dann nich eins, wo mein seine arschhose toll sieht? D: )
    wie auch immer, trotzdem toll :3

    und yah, verändern tun wir uns doch alle irgendwie, irgendwann o,o … die einen mehr, die anderen weniger, die einen zum positiven, die anderen… halt nit so xD. über mich selbst kannich da nich wirklich reden, weil ich da eigentlich keine ahnung von hab o_ô … ich war viel pseudo-emo und melodramatisch und total bekloppt o_ô … aber so viel hat sich da ja nun auch nich geändert, neh? xDD

    wie auch immer *-* … noch *zähl* 4-5 tage xDD. und mein cos is noch nit ganz fertig, wah +__+!! *sich die finger aufstech* blöde glöckchen, an denen kein doppelseitiges klebeband halten will @.@…

    *wuschelmuff* <3

  • Noi 10. September 2008 at 11:05

    ICH HAB KEINS GEFUNDEN!!11 Dabei wäre die Pose da schon ideal, aber nun…er kommt und geht wie ein Schatten, klong-klong-schepper. XD

    Alteh, ich hab übrigens auch meine alten Beiträge aus unserem Partnerblog übernommen, wusstest du, dass der noch existiert?o_O Hab bei „deliquentduo“ (die schöne falsche Schreibweise) eingegeben und voilá – alles so, wie wir es hinterlassen haben. Kann dir mal die Adresse geben, wenn du dich amüsieren willst. XD

    Ich muss auch noch heute meine Ohren und mein Schwänzchen nähen. Hab übrigens keinen Flausch gefunden und bin deshalb mal wieder auf Filz umgestiegen. Achja, und aus einem Schal muss ich mir noch Armstulpen nähen, ich seh schon wieder meine Finger bluten…@_@

  • mey-meez 11. September 2008 at 12:36

    ich sage nur eins: doppelseitiges klebeband :D! ich hab schon zwei rollen verbraucht °-°! bin auch noch fleißig am basteln <3.
    die adresse von unserem partnerblock hab ich auch noch un es is sehr erheiternd xD.

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