Bücher, Music

ASP – Zaubererbruder

I´m not online that often anymore. Seems as if my way of living has changed a bit recently, but to be honest – I like it the way it is. Especially because I took my time to read some books, did something for my (religious) knowledge and, of course…came to listen to some really good music. I´d like to introduce a certain CD I got hold of a few days ago. It is called „Zaubererbruder – Der Krabat-Liederzyklus“ by ASP.

Usually, I´m not the biggest fan of that band. I really like some of their songs (such as „Und wir tanzten“ or „Duett – Minnelied der Incubi“), but the rest is just too electronic for my taste. But since my boyfriend listens to them a lot, I thought I could download the new album to please him. Plus, I´m kind of interested in the topic of the CD – It is based on the „Krabat“ folk tale.

Those of you who may not know „Krabat“, here´s a short overview on the story: It takes place in the early 1700s after a war in Lausitz (between Poland and Saxony). A juvenal beggar, Krabat, who is called through a dream to a watermill. There he begins his apprenticeship as a miller´s man. But not everything is as it seems: The master of the mill is a black magician, whose secret brotherhood contains of the other mill boys. Krabat, too, becomes an apprentice in dark magic. When his best friend, Tonda, dies soon after the new year´s eve, Krabat finds out that their master made a pact with the devil many, many years ago. In exchange for his magic powers, the master must sacrifice one of his apprentices on each new year´s eve. While seeking bloody revenge for his dead friends, Krabat trains to increase his magical powers in order to defeat the master and break the pact. He gets help by the girl he loves, Kantorka. Together they get to know how to break the spell – On new year´s eve, Kantorka comes to the mill and asks the master to set him free. The master accepts the lovers´challenge and blindfolds the girl. She has to recognize Krabat from all the other 11 apprentices. She manages to do so, because, while being blind, she felt that Krabat was the only person in the room who was not afraid of his own death, but rather feared for Kantorka´s life. The pact is broken and the mill goes up in flames. As the master dies, all of the apprentices lose their magical powers.

Some of you may remember „Krabat“ as a book written by Ottfried Preussler. It is a popular book that is also used in German lessons (Well, not in my German lessons. But I heard that many people read it back then.).

Well, „Zaubererbruder“ is something like the musical version of Krabat. Each song tells a part of the story, but the perspective changes. In contrary to ASP´s previous albums, „Zaubererbruder“ reminds me a lot of medieval bands such as Schandmaul, Subway to Sally or In Extremo. There are some rock songs as well and even some kind of 80´s revival, so it´s hard to find an overall matching cathegory. Let´s take a look at the songs in particular:

Track 1 – Intro: Betteljunge

The intro strongly reminds me of „Spielmann“ by In Extremo. The only instrument used is a backpipe, so the singer´s voice can be heard very clearly. ASP assumes the role of Krabat, who tells the audience of the war and his situation.

Track 2 – Krabat

This song is a typical ASP song for that kind of pounding, monotonous beat can be found in many, many ASP songs. I don´t really like that beat, it makes the song a bit boring in my eyes/ears. Nothing special.

Track 3 – Die Teufelsmühle

The title fits the song not only because of the content, but also in the melody. The song goes on and on just like a mill. It reminds be a bit of a kind of Wiccan stake dance, very slow and hypnotic.

Track 4 – Denn ich bin der Meister

This one is one my favorites on the whole CD. It is sung by the master of the mill, the black magician. According to this, the track is very rocking and sounds a bit evil. I especially like the lyrics for they characterize the master and his relationship to Krabat very well (I don´t wanna hear a single word about Slash!! I didn´t even think about that! Really!…uhm.<_<)

Track 5 – Fluchtversuch

Like Track 6, the title fits the kind of music. It really sounds like escape, very hectic, hasty and dynamic. You should try to listen to this song while driving in a car (most suitable for the highway), it has something for it. <3

Track 6 – Elf und einer

Not really my favorite. Reminds me a bit of Track 3, but this time it is not a male choir but the lead singer of ASP who´s singing it. I really like his voice, but the song is just too boring and the lyrics too lame.

Track 7 -Mein Herz erkennt dich immer

This one is interesting. Not only it is a lovesong, it is even a real duet between „Krabat“ and „Katorka“. Kantorka is being sung by Elisabeth Pawelke, the former lead singer of „FAUN“ (which is also a really good medieval/mystical band). Once again, the song is barely instrumentalized, which makes it a quiet, romantic track.

Track 8 – Verwandlungen I-III

This is the most varied song on the album. It contains the fight between Krabat and his master. You can say what you want, the strophes of part I sound very, VERY much like „Samsas Traum“. Which is a very good thing since I´m a fan of Samsas Traum. <3

Part II, once again, sounds like a mill. But this time, there are much more bass guitars and violins.

Part III is very, very calm and relaxing.

All in all, „Verwandlungen“ is also a favorite track of mine for it rocks my socks at first and brings me down again then.

Track 9 -Abschied

After „Denn ich bin der Meister“, this one is my second favorite. Don´t laugh, it reminds me a bit of the „Neue deutsche Welle“, but in a good way. ô_o It gives me good vibes and practically screams: „Sing along!!“, which is an easy thing to do since the lyrics are quite catchy.

Track 10 -Der Schnitter Tod

Sounds like a folk song that would be sung by a grandmother for their children in medieval times. It´s about the grim reaper and his similarities to a mower.

Track 11 -Spottlied auf die harten Wanderjahre

This is all about the saying „What doesn´t kill you will reinforce you“. Nothing special to say about the music, it´s some kind of bard song.

Track 12 -Zaubererbruder

What did I say? WHAT did I SAY? This album sounds like Subway to Sally. And guess WHO sing this duet along with the ASP singer? Hm? Yes, it´s Eric Fish, the front singer from Subway to Sally. <3<3 I really like the way how their voices fit together. Eric´s voice is a bit rougher than Alexander´s, so it´s very interesting and pleasant to hear it.

Track 13- Der geheimnisvolle Fremde (ja, ja, dreimal Hurra!)

How should I explain this one? Just imagine a mixture of a heroic saga and a drinking song. Very much medieval and I like it.

Track 14 – Am Ende

A very sad song that makes a good contrast to the track before. It makes me feel melancholic, which is not a wonder since it sounds like saying good-bye. Krabat longs to go with the grim reaper.

Track 15 – Outro: Zwei Schwäne

The only instrumental track on the CD and a worthy ending. The circle seems to be closed and everything can be beginning from the start.

My conclusion: just LOVE it. I´m really glad ASP creeped out of their dark graves and tried something new. The CD is a very good mixture of different genres and ascendancies of other artists. It touched my nerves and fits my taste, shortly said: I like it and it will be put in my car´s glove box. <3 I´d really like to see it in concert, maybe there will be a chance.

You can listen to one of the songs here. Enjoy and give the CD a chance! 



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  • Mika 28. September 2008 at 17:57

    ohisashiburi~i ≧∀≦

    tn mir leid, dass ich mich so lange nicht gemeldet hab.

    man ey, ich krabat irgendwann mal angefangen zu lesen, habs dann aber doch gelassen, wenn ich jetzt lese um was es eigentlich geht hört sich das echt ganz nett an.
    und ASP man ey, ich fand die auch mal ganz nett aber die lieder die du hier on gestellt hast sind echt voll cool. hätt ich nich erwartet, dass es mir gefällt zumal ich vor kurzem wieder angefangen hab subway to sally zu hören und es mir nach 3-4 liedern schon wieder gehörig auf den senkel gegangen is…

    ja, am 25.10 spielen exit + trace und nochne andere jap band und noch n medusa und was weiß ich ncoh <,<; und das is in münster in dem club in dem wir gedreht haben und ich plus 2-3 freundinen haben kostenlosen eintritt… also, das richtet sich an dich und an meez, wenn ihr lust habt…?
    ansonsten kommt dennie noch mit.
    ich kenn nun den george, also der sich da um alles kümmert und vll können wir auch backstage, weiß ich aber noch nich…

  • Noi 28. September 2008 at 19:45

    Hallo Meeka.:3

    Krabat ist tatsächlich ein ganz nettes Buch, wobei mir die originale Sage noch besser gefällt. Sie ist düsterer und brutaler, wie das nunmal ist bei alten Volkssagen. XD

    Ich werd nächste Woche auf einem Subway to Sally Konzert hier in Hannover sein. <3<3<3

    Ich werde wohl leider keine Gelegenheit haben, im Oktober lange Städtereisen zu unternehmen. Uni fängt am 6.10. an und ich werd wahrscheinlich demnächst umziehen. Aber dank dir für die Einladung, habt viel Spaß. <3

  • GongShi 28. September 2008 at 19:56

    Long time no read – nice to see another reviewo of yours. Honestly spoken, it was too long and detailed for my taste. Indeed the album is not typical for ASP, which I came to listen less often than you might think. According to last.fm you infected my with the Nightwish-virus. ^^ BTW, we too did not take cognizance of Krabat in German lessons. ~ (The online MP3 player is great!)

  • Noi 28. September 2008 at 20:11

    You know, I HAVE the time to do everything detailed.*g*
    And well, the Amazon-Link is for those people who might want to listen to some more audio previews. Makes sense, doesn´t it?^^

  • Mika 29. September 2008 at 0:59

    ;_; how sad but well, anyway it can’t be helped then. but well see each other some other time I hope. I can only go ‚cause it’s on weekend and it’s not so far away from düsseldorf and stuff.

  • Noi 29. September 2008 at 9:49

    Mika, it doesn´t matter in which language you write comments in my blog.^^ I will answer in whatever language you´ll prefer. XD

    Did you already ask Mey if she has time to come? And eventually we´ll meet again soon, I believe it. 😀

  • Mika 29. September 2008 at 15:31

    yup, I wrote her an ens. but she didn’t answer any of my ens so far and neither one of my calls and she didn’t call back either <,<; but well, I was calling from our festnetzt, maybe she didn’t recognize the number but well, who might call her with the number of berlin?
    an yessssssh I figured already out that you’d answer me anyway, but I just finished reading kafka on the shore by haruki murakami in english, very great and so I’m wuite into english ^-^ <3

  • Noi 29. September 2008 at 20:51

    That´s strange. But on the other hand…I didn´t hear a word from her for a long time either. But that´s my own fault since I´m not online that often anymore…at least in the evenings.
    English rocks. <3

  • Clydefrosch 30. September 2008 at 10:10

    Alles gute zum neuen Leben und so ^^

    Ich hab noch nie was von ASP gehört oo Und dabei ignoriere ich Musik ja schon seit Jahren nicht mehr xD Sind die bekannt oder wie? *werd mal reinhören*

    @die Mika: Ich werd sie mal ein wenig in Richtung Animex stupsen wenn sie heute on kommt

  • Noi 30. September 2008 at 10:25

    Bekannt…tja…in ihrer Szene sicher schon. Auf jeden Fall ist der Sänger recht…markant, er stellt sich immer dar wie Nosferatu. Ziemlich gruselig, hat aber eine schöne Stimme.

  • mika 1. Oktober 2008 at 18:13

    jup, english definitely rocks!

    @clydefrosh: dannnnnnnnnke! jetzt raffs ich erstmal was sie damit meinte dass selbst du sie jetz schon nerve… ich hasse indirekte rede…so gestelzt. naja, anyway, ich hab ihr ne ganz tolle ens geschrieben und was hat mexx gemacht? jjja, gefressen und wollte dass ich mich einlogge <,<;;;; hass ey. das ganze also nochmal.

    ASP kenn ich auch schon recht lange… aber woanders als in der szene wird man wohl niemanden treffen der sie kennt. obwohl, einmal hab ich glaub ich jemanden getroffen von dem ich’s überhaupt nich erwartet hab, dass er sie kennt. aber das is wohl eher ne ausnahme.

  • Clydefrosch 1. Oktober 2008 at 18:59

    Öhm, ja, bitte… glaub ich oo

    Welche Szene den übrigens? Die Soundtrack zum Film ohne Film Szene?

  • Noi 1. Oktober 2008 at 19:00

    Die Gothic-Szene ist gemeint, Benny. XD *tippselt am neuen Eintrag*

  • Sarah Palin ’S a Big Bully 7. Oktober 2008 at 19:14

    […] ASP – Zaubererbruder […]

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